Thank You!
Last year we focused on senior living facility residents needing assistance due to the impacts of the pandemic for our Sub for Santa. This year Jamie Lee Foundation focused on military families still feeling the impacts of Covid. Surprisingly, we had to work extra hard to find those we could help, but those we found needed more help per family, so we ended up with fewer families to assist than usual. Of course, that didn’t lessen the gratitude shared with us and we want to thank all our supporters for making it possible to help some great families that we found in dire need!
No Job No Christmas

A young husband who completed his Bachelor’s degree in preparation for Officer Training School had his start date pushed back 4 months. Having left his employment in order to be ready for his original date of entry, he was struggling to find enough part-time work in an already well-filled holiday employment season to provide for a “quiet, but secure” Christmas season. Fortunately, some neighbors made us aware of this family’s situation and we were able to provide some provisions and presents to make the season brighter (and less stressful).

Bringing Families Together
We were also made aware of a recently blended family that due to complications with custody and holiday visitation rulings would make it too expensive to spend time together as a full family during Christmas. With the help of your donated funds and some frequent flyer miles, we were able to give them a few days together during what is easily one of the most important family time holidays of the year.
Hospital Bills Stack Up

Military friends of a young family notified us of a young father who was in the hospital from a collapsed lung from Covid right before Christmas. They had served with his father (a marine gunnery sergeant) before he passed away after a valiant battle with cancer and realized he needed additional help. Even with insurance, his hospital bill was climbing by thousands of dollars. Thanks to excellent hospital care and your donations, he was able to make it home for a happy and much less financially stressful Christmas morning.