Sub for Santa 2020 had a different (certainly more focused) look with Covid-19. Covid-19 not only transformed the world with technological advances to meet the challenges of social distancing, remote work, and health care, but it impacted almost every family in some way.
Certainly, the most frequent and catastrophic impact was felt by those over 65—especially those in senior care facilities! Many residents in these care centers can already feel isolated and vulnerable as they are forced to adapt to changing relationships and health concerns. Add the fear of Covid-19, and their already challenging circumstances can become worse.
As a result, Jamie Lee Foundation’s Sub for Santa 2020 was focused on finding a senior care center who both needed our help and would be a substantial partner in providing a better Christmas for their residents. We found the perfect one to team up with at Apple Tree Assisted Living.
Apple Tree is one of 3 award-winning assisted living facilities managed by Cozy Retire in Davis County and Weber Counties. Part of their promise incudes: “At Cozy Retire, we make senior living in Kaysville an enjoyable transition. We don’t just boast of a comfortable setting where you can retire in a caring environment; we make sure our exceptionally trained staff gives you the specialized care that you need. Unlike other assisted living environments, we make sure you never lose that one thing you want to retain even as you grow older — your independence.”
But what really sold us on them being the perfect partner was discovering that in a budget constrained environment (for residents’ families—as well as Cozy Retire employees) many of the Apple Tree staff were spending their own money to help residents with clothes and special treats they couldn’t afford!
With their help and guidance, Jamie Lee Foundation’s Sub for Santa 2020 was able to purchase clothing, memory games, masks, eyeglasses, footwear, and other essentials for their residents who otherwise would have gone without.

Some stories are too special to share–but two can help our supporters feel the impact of their giving to Sub for Santa 2020. One lady who had always dressed nice (not overly expensive though) shared that when her husband passed away she no longer had enough income to buy clothes. During the 8 years she has resided at Apple Tree the only new clothes she was able to obtain came from staff who provided them for her. Because of her special circumstance, the head nurse brought her into her office so she could select clothes online. It was the first she had shopped for herself since her husband passed away and she cried during most of the time she shopped.
Another lady who provided volunteer data input on a computer for her church spent hours working to provide for others while unable to provide even a simple pair of computer glasses to reduce her eyestrain and resulting headaches. Her tears of gratitude as she discovered that one of her presents were several pairs of glasses so that she could work even more hours without the pain she had been dealing with, were a shining example to us about the true desire to serve others.
While Apple Tree’s resident engaged staff helped us meet our goal of serving seniors amidst Covid-19 it was only through the generosity of our donors to Sub for Santa 2020 that we were able to reach as many as we did.
And while we did eventually run out of money, we want you to know that those you helped didn’t seem to run out of Thank Yous! Many wept with gratitude and others hugged their gifts much as little children do on Christmas morning. Emotions were high with all those involved.

Thanks to all those who participated in making the unique circumstancing of offering Christmas cheer in the midst of the fear and uncertainty that many feel from Covid-19. You made our Sub for Santa 2020 a memorable and successful experience!
Note: All pictures of recipients of Jamie Lee Foundation’s Sub for Santa 2020 have signed release forms.