For some, Santa’s visit to their home only comes through the charitable giving of others. Jamie Lee Foundation’s annual Sub for Santa is focused on providing for the needs of those who are hurting during the Christmas season and since 2022 we have focused on helping homeless and Title 1 youth.
Many of these children live day-to-day not knowing where they will sleep, sometimes coming home only to find they have been locked out and lost their possessions (including school supplies and clothes) and frequently miss meals. We have been fortunate this year to be joined by some other organizations to provide 200 gift bags consisting ChapStick, toboggan stocking caps, lotion, breath mints, and meal tickets. We have accepted the invitation to provide as many gift cards to Chick-Fil-A as we can fund so that the youth can have access to some hot meals during the Christmas break when the school lunch program is not available to them. Sadly, this can be the only meal some of these children have for the day.
The impact of Sub-for-Santa programs is not only seen on the faces of the recipients but also in the lives of volunteers and donors as they feel the joy of providing for those in need. We invite you to join us in experiencing this joy during the 2024 Christmas season.
You can use the menu to see past years’ Sub for Santa campaigns.