Artistic expression has a long history within movements. It is a unique form of communication that translates experiences through space and time. Its influence is accomplished through visual inspiration rather than data and debate. Art does not demonstrate for people what they should do. It inspires, and can even reform, by projecting a blend of imagination and reality that influences the way people think and live. It can help people feel the world.
Art can be used as a tool to raise awareness and gather the masses to rally behind a cause. It can be a mechanism for exploration or a vehicle for community building.
Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values, and opening minds to new possibilities. It allows people from different cultures and different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds, and stories. Art is often a vehicle for social change.
One of the great challenges today is that we often feel untouched by the problems of others, even when we could easily do something to help. Giving people access to data most often leaves them feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, not empowered and poised for action. This is where art can make a difference.
Properly presented, art can serve as a reminder or a rallying point. To this end, Jamie Lee Foundation is using photography from its sponsored artists to remind people and politicians of the tremendous suffering endured by families from opioid addiction and the value of medicinal marijuana in treating chronic pain and some illnesses.
Because this issue seems to be the “elephant in the room” we will be doing this by inserting one or more elephants into various photos for sale.